Thessaloniki is the second-largest city in Greece, the capital city of Central Macedonia´s administrative district and the economic and cultural center of the entire Greek part of Macedonia.
Thessaloniki has the second-largest commercial port in Greece and is located near the Balkans, between East and West. These are essential factors that contribute both to its economic growth and its cosmopolitan characteristics. With over 1 million inhabitants, life in Thessaloniki never gets boring, and thanks to the thousands of students studying at the universities, the city is full of life day and night.
Major companies based in Thessaloniki are the European Center of the Development of Vocation Training (Cedefop), the Commercial and Development Bank of Euxinus Pontus, and the Institute of Paternal Studies of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.
Thessaloniki is a modern university, trade fair, a cultural and industrial city at the intersection of thousand-year-old north-south and west-east traffic routes. There you will be confronted with history, art, and different cultures from 2,300 years of city history.
In the evening, you will have the opportunity to taste the city’s rich gastronomic tradition, relax on the beautiful beach and watch the fascinating sunset over the Aegean Sea.